Windows 7 Public Beta Screenshots

Here are some screenshots of the Windows 7 public beta. I installed it in a VirtualBox virtual machine and allocated 600MB of RAM to it.

The new and improved sloading screen

The new and improved sloading screen.

The login screen

The login screen

Logging in....

Logging in....

The desktop.... and a fish!!

The desktop.... and a fish!!

Your choices of Microsoft-sponsored security--the ones that will slow down your computer the most

Your choices of Microsoft-sponsored security--the ones that will slow down your computer the most!

Oh oh!!  It's Internet Explorer 8!  Chews up my site like a charm.

Oh oh!! It's Internet Explorer 8! Chews up my site like a charm.

Captionless taskbar icons until you hover.

Captionless taskbar icons until you hover.

The new Windows Media Player

The new Windows Media Player.

It's version 12!

It's version 12!

Setting your desktop theme

Setting your desktop theme.

Minesweeper wants hardware accelerated graphics

Minesweeper wants hardware accelerated graphics.... why??

All-new Minesweeper

The all-new Minesweeper.

I won!

I won!


Paint. Very perty.

The start menu

The start menu.

All programs in the start menu

Looking at all programs in the start menu.

Gadgets and the clock thingy

Some desktop gadgets and the clock thingy.


Slashdot in IE 8.


Downloading Google Chrome.

WTF?  Verifying application requirements??

What the....? Verifying application requirements??

Ahh... Chrome.

Ahh... Chrome.

Control Panel--stupid people's version

Control Panel--stupid people's version

Control Panel--all options

Control Panel--all options

Administrative tools

Administrative tools

Some things never change... but what's up with the 200MB partition??

Some things never change... but what's up with the 200MB partition??

First UAC popup...

First UAC popup...

Second UAC popup...

Second UAC popup...

Installing Avast

Installing Avast Antivirus.

Windows services

Windows services.... there are a ton of these as usual.

Pong Service for Wireless USB??

Pong Service for Wireless USB??

Heh... Preliminary scan results show that malicious or potentially unwanted software might exist...

Heh... Preliminary scan results show that malicious or potentially unwanted software might exist...

Oh, nevermind... we're good.

Oh, nevermind... Windows says we're good now.

Shutting down... took long enough to get a delayed screenshot.

Shutting down... took long enough to get a delayed screenshot. Could have probably shot 20 more.

Stage 1 of the sloading screen

Stage 1 of the sloading screen.

Stage 2 of the sloading screen

Stage 2 of the sloading screen.

Avast has started its scan

Avast has started its scan.

1% complete... after a few minutes!!

1% complete... after a few minutes!!

Done! after about 30 minutes...

Done! after about 30 minutes...

Third UAC popup...

Third UAC popup...

Trusted publishers?

Trusted publishers? These two screens kept coming up each time I would try to update Avast's antivirus database...

The Resource Monitor.  I was doing nothing at the time.

The Resource Monitor. I was doing nothing at the time.

Activating my copy of Winders 7

Activating my copy of Winders 7

w00t.  I'm legit.

w00t. I'm legit.

Benchmarking my system.

Benchmarking my system.

My VM ranks in at a solid 1.0!

My VM ranks in at a solid 1.0!

Details, details...

Details, details...

The classic Windows theme and a buffalo butt

The classic Windows theme and a buffalo butt...

Why all the games??

Why all the games?? Why not include something a little more productive??


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