More django-articles Updates

I've spent a little more time lately adding new features to django-articles. There are two major additions in the latest release (2.0.0-pre2).

  • Article attachments
  • Article statuses

That's right folks! You can finally attach files to your articles. This includes attachments to emails that you send, if you have the articles from email feature properly configured. To prove it, I'm going to attach a file to this article (which I'm posting via email).

Next, I've decided that it's worth allowing the user to specify different statuses for their articles. One of the neat things about this feature is that if you are a super user, you're logged in, and you save an article with a status that is designated as "non-live", you will still be able to see it on the site. This is a way for users to preview their work before making it live. Out of the box, there are only two statuses: draft and finished. You're free to add more statuses if you feel so inclined (they're in the database, not hardcoded).

The article status is still separate from the "is_active" flag when saving an article. Any article that is marked as inactive will not appear on the site regardless of the article's "status".

On a slightly less impressive note (although still important), this release includes some basic unit tests. Most of the tests currently revolve around article statuses and making sure that the appropriate articles appear on the site.


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