Valentine's Day

I'm not one to celebrate very many of the "lesser" holidays. These include things like St. Patrick's Day, Columbus Day, and Valentine's Day. I've always just found these holidays to be an excuse for people to be weird and get drunk. I am weird just about every day of the year, so I don't require holidays to provide an excuse for me. Valentines always seemed like one of the most cheesy holidays to me. Today I decided to have a different opinion of it.

I woke up this morning, and my beautiful wife had gotten out of bed early to strategically place all sorts of little goodies all around the apartment. I'll spare you the juicy details, but suffice it to say that it really helped me appreciate what others see in this holiday. My wife took the time and effort to do something just to make me feel special and loved (which is by no means a new thing). If only I could make her as happy as she makes me....

Perhaps I just had too many bitter experiences as a kid growing up. Maybe I didn't get as many Valentine's Day cards. I don't know what it was that prompted me to dislike Valentine's Day. Whatever it was, my perfect wife just changed my perspective forever.

I love you Mindy!!!


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