By George, I Think They've Got it!!

For anyone who's been using Django for any reasonable amount of time, you've probably heard of this thing called the "newforms-admin branch." It's an improved way to interact with the content on your Django website via the built-in Django Administration utility. This particular item has been hot for quite some time--a couple years at least.

These past few weeks have been very exciting for Djangonauts out there. The core developers announced that they would be holding several sprints to bring Django to 1.0 status, which required the completion of the newforms-admin branch. All of this was supposed to be ready by September 2nd.

This morning I decided to do some development while my wife was still asleep. I started by updating several things that I rely upon for my Django sites. Among these was Django itself. Then I noticed that my code wouldn't validate anymore. That's when the excitement began...

I checked the Django website and found this article. It's a public service announcement stating that some backward-incompatible changes were going to be merged into trunk yesterday. Then I checked to see if there were still any tickets stopping the newforms-admin branch from being merged into trunk. None.

So, folks, the official Django newforms-admin is among us. Time to start modifying all of our models and code to play well with the next generation of Django. YAY!


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