Learned Something New Today

I learned something very interesting today regarding JavaScript. Back in the day, I used to put something like this in my HTML when I wanted to include some JS:

<script language="javascript">

Then I learned that I should be using something like this instead:

<script type="text/javascript">

I've been doing that for years and years now. Turns out I've been wrong all this time. Well, at least for 4 years of that time. I stumbled upon RFC4329 today for whatever reason and noticed that it said the text/javascript mimetype is obsolete. I dug into the RFC a bit and found this:

Various unregistered media types have been used in an ad-hoc fashion
to label and exchange programs written in ECMAScript and JavaScript.
These include:

   | text/javascript          | text/ecmascript          |
   | text/javascript1.0       | text/javascript1.1       |
   | text/javascript1.2       | text/javascript1.3       |
   | text/javascript1.4       | text/javascript1.5       |
   | text/jscript             | text/livescript          |
   | text/x-javascript        | text/x-ecmascript        |
   | application/x-javascript | application/x-ecmascript |
   | application/javascript   | application/ecmascript   |

Use of the "text" top-level type for this kind of content is known to
be problematic.  This document thus defines text/javascript and text/
ecmascript but marks them as "obsolete".  Use of experimental and
unregistered media types, as listed in part above, is discouraged.
The media types,

   * application/javascript
   * application/ecmascript

which are also defined in this document, are intended for common use
and should be used instead.

So yeah. It's time to go update all of my JavaScript stuff I guess. I thought the rest of you who are/were in the same boat as me might like to know about this...

GitHub and django-articles

Some of you who prefer to use git for your version control needs and were following the django-articles mirror on GitHub may have noticed some strange activity recently. I noticed today that the GitHub mirror was out of sync with the other mirrors, and I took a bit of time to investigate the problem.

I thought, for some reason, that I might be able to quickly and easily bring it back into sync if I just deleted the repo, recreated it, and pushed my changes to it. That didn't work. This means that all of you who were once following the project there are no longer following it, and I only realized that side effect after I had clicked the delete button. I apologize for this inconvenience.

In the end, it turned out that I had some things misconfigured with git on my box. I have resolved the problems and have brought the mirror back into sync. Please let me know if you run into any problems with it!

New Feature in django-articles: Articles From Email

One of the features that I really like about sites like posterous and tumblr is that they allow you to send email to a special email address and have it be posted as a blog article. This is a feature I've been planning to implement in django-articles pretty much since its inception way back when. I finally got around to working on it.

The latest release of django-articles allows you to configure a mailbox, either IMAP4 or POP3, to periodically check for new emails. A new management command check_for_articles_from_email can be used to process the messages found in the special mailbox. If any emails are found, they will be fetched, parsed, and posted based on your configuration values. Only articles whose sender matches an active user in your Django site will be turned into articles. You can configure the command to mark such articles from email as "inactive" so they don't appear on the site without moderation. The default behavior, actually, is to mark the articles inactive--you must explicitly configure django-articles to automatically mark the articles as active if you want this behavior.

One of the biggest things that you should keep in mind with this new feature, though, is that it does not currently take your attachments into account. In time I plan on implementing this functionality. For now, only the plain text content of your email will be posted. Please see the project's README for more information about this new feature.

Please keep in mind that this is brand new functionality and it's not been very well tested in a wide variety of situations. Right now, it's in the "it works for me" stage. If you find problems with it, please create a ticket or update any similar existing tickets using the ticket tracker on bitbucket.org.

You can install or update django-articles using the following utilities:

  • pip install -U django-articles
  • easy_install -U django-articles
  • hg clone http://bitbucket.org/codekoala/django-articles/ or just hg pull -u if you have already cloned it
  • git clone git://github.com/codekoala/django-articles.git


P.S. This article was posted via email

Review: Hacking Vim


Some of my faithful visitors may have noticed that I have a thing for Vim, one of the oldest and most powerful text editors in the world. In the past 15 or so years that I've been developing, I have spent quite a bit of time in several different text editors. It seemed like I was continually on the quest to find the fastest, most feature-packed editor out there, while still being cross-platform compatible and having it stay out of my way. Speed has always been very important to me.

I have been using Vi and Vim regularly since about 2000, when I began dabbling with Linux. I could certainly hold my ground in either of the two programs, but I was by no means proficient. The more appealing text editors for me offered syntax highlighting and code completion. At the time, I was under the impression that Vi/Vim didn't offer either of these two features. It wasn't until around the middle of last year, however, that I really started putting effort into learning and using Vim. After asking some of my Vim-savvy friends a lot of questions to get me kickstarted, I began to see the power that lies in Vim.

Before long, Vim had replaced all other text editors as my preferred editing environment. I learned that Vim could satisfy just able every single one of my personal qualifications for the perfect editor. I dumped all other editors in favor of Vim, and I even opted to use Vim over a several hundred dollar IDE at work.

Anyway. I received a review copy of Kim Schulz' "Hacking Vim: A cookbook to get the most out of the latest Vim editor" a couple of months ago and have been rummaging through it since then. I have learned a ton of fantastic tips from this little book! Being a cookbook, you're not expected to read the entire book start to finish. Rather, you can dig right into whatever section interests you and feel right at home.

Brief Overview

Packt Publishing printed this book back in 2007, but all of the tips are still very much up-to-date. The book starts off with the obligatory history lesson (which is actually quite interesting if you're a nerd like me), and the target audience is described as such:

New users join the Vim user community every day and want to use this editor in their daily work, and even though Vim sometimes can be complex to use, they still favor it above other editors. This is a book for these Vim users.

After the history lesson, chapter 2 of the book digs right into personalizing Vim to fit your own preferences. Topics covered include:

  • changing fonts
  • changing color schemes
  • personalizing highlighting
  • customizing the status line
  • toggling menus and toolbars in gvim
  • adding your own menu items and toolbar buttons
  • customizing your work area

Chapter 3 discusses better navigation techniques. Topics covered include:

  • faster navigation in a file
  • faster navigation in the Vim help system
  • faster navigation in multiple buffers
  • in-file searching
  • searching in multiple files or buffers
  • using marks and signs

Chapter 4, titled "Production Boosters" discusses the following:

  • templates using simple template file
  • templates using abbreviations
  • auto-completion using known words and tag lists
  • auto-completion using omni-completion
  • macros
  • sessions
  • registers and undo branches
  • folding
  • vimdiff
  • opening remote files using Netrw

Chapter 5 introduces some advanced formatting tips. You can learn how to put text into nicely-formatted paragraphs, aligning text, marking headlines, and creating lists. For code, this chapter discusses several different indentation options.

Vim scripting is the topic of chapter 6, and Schulz covers a wide variety of useful tips to get anyone started on scripting Vim to do their bidding. Tips include:

  • creating syntax-coloring scripts
  • how to install and use scripts
  • different types of scripts
  • basic syntax of Vim scripts
  • how to structure Vim scripts
  • debugging a Vim script
  • using other scripting languages (Perl, Python, Ruby)

Appendix A describes how Vim can be used for much more than just text editing. Several different games, including Tetris and a Rubik's Cube are briefly introduced, along with how to use Vim as a mail client or programmer's IDE. Appendix B suggests miscellaneous configuration script maintenance tips, such as how you can maintain the same configuration script across several different machines.

My Thoughts

I was very impressed with this book. I was afraid that, being published in 2007, it might be a little too out-of-date for my personal tastes. Since the book is about Vim, though, I wasn't overly concerned (the editor has been around for decades, and it doesn't change drastically from release to release anymore).

Just like the last book I reviewed, I found several typos in this book. A lot of the typos were in the first few pages of the actual content, and some were definitely more minor than others. This sort of thing doesn't really detract much from the material covered, but it sure does stand out as a distraction for people who pay attention to details.

Here are some of the things that I truly enjoyed reading and learning about (many of which actually made my jaw drop in awe of Vim)

  • Specifying multiple fonts for GVim, just in case your first choice isn't always available:

    :set guifont=Courier\ New\ 12, Arial\ 10
  • Specifying different font faces based on the extension of the file you're editing:

    :autocmd BufEnter *.txt set guifont=Arial\ 12
  • Highlighting the line your cursor is currently on, and the column the cursor is in:

    :set cursorline
    :set cursorcolumn
  • Limiting the number of suggestions that the spell checker offers:

    :set spellsuggest=5
  • Navigating to different words based on whitespace instead of "regular" word separators:

    • W to move to the beginning of the next word
    • B to move to the beginning of the previous word
    • E to move to the beginning of the previous word

    I knew about the lowercase variations of these commands, but not the uppercase.

  • Navigating up and down in the same long, wrapped line:

  • Opening a file that is referenced in the current buffer:


    I learned that this even works on Python imports! Just like the description says, it will work on the import module, not classes or other objects from inside the module. Not quite that intelligent!

  • Incremental searching:

    :set incsearch
  • Searching up/down in a buffer for any occurrence of the word under the cursor:


    I knew about the usual # and *, but those two will only match the same exact word. When they're prefixed with g, they will match any occurrence of the word, be it whole or part of another word. For example, hitting g* while the cursor is over the word foo would would match both food and foobar, while * would match neither.

  • Using markers to jump between specific points in different open buffers (mA through mZ)

  • Prepopulating empty files based on their extension:

    :autocmd BufNewFile * silent! 0r $VIMHOME/templates/%:e.tpl
  • Formatting a paragraph of text:

  • Formatting all paragraphs of text in a file:

  • Smart indentation:

    :set smartindent
  • Enabling paste mode, so smartindent doesn't try to format code that you paste into your buffer:

    :set paste
  • Prettifying XML and HTML using Tidy:

    :autocmd FileType xml exe ":silent 1,$!tidy --input-xml true --indent yes -q"
    :autocmd FileType html,htm exe ":silent 1,$!tidy --indent yes -q"


All in all, this is a fantastic book. I will be keeping it near my workstation as a quick reference book when I want to do something crazy with Vim. I've already recommended the book to several of my friends and acquaintances, and I will make the same recommendation here. If you are mildly familiar with Vim and at all interested in getting more out of this fabulous editor, I highly recommend picking up a copy of this book.

2Ze.us Updates

There has been quite a bit of recent activity in my 2ze.us project since I first released it nearly a year ago. My intent was not to become a competitor with bit.ly, is.gd, or anyone else in the URL-shortening arena. I created the site as a way for me to learn more about Google's AppEngine. It didn't take very long to get it up and running, and it seemed to work fairly well.

AppEngine and Extensions

I was able to basically leave the site alone on AppEngine for several months--through about September 2009. In that time, I came up with a Firefox extension to make its use more convenient.

The extension allows you to quickly get a shortened URL for the page you're currently looking at, and a couple of context menu items let you get a short URL for things like specific images on a page. Also included in the extension is a preview for 2ze.us links. The preview can tell you the title and domain of the link's target. It can tell you how much smaller the 2ze.us URL is compared to the full URL. Finally, it displays how many times that particular 2ze.us link has been clicked.

That as all fine and dandy. It was the second Firefox extension I had ever written, and it's still running strong. In June or July of 2009, I started working on a little program to make it easier for me to interact with Twitter the way I wanted to. This was a great opportunity for me to incorporate 2ze.us into the application so any URL I wanted to post to Twitter would automatically be shortened for me, using my own shortener.

Porting to WebFaction And PHP

Anyway, around the end of September 2009, I noticed that there were a lot of problems with 2ze.us. It was slow and sometimes completely unresponsive. Certain URLs would redirect to their full URLs, while others wouldn't. The Firefox extension stopped working nicely. Oh yeah, and AppEngine rolled back to a previous revision of the code without me telling it to. That's when everything just died. It didn't take long for me to decide to migrate my project from AppEngine onto my awesome WebFaction hosting.

At this point, I was faced with a small dilemma: keep the code in Python, or port it to PHP. I opted to port it over to PHP, because I didn't want all of the overhead of a full Django instance for a site that needed to be very zippy. And I was unacquainted with other Python options.

By early October 2009, I had managed to turn the project into a PHP beast, running on Apache. It was a lot more responsive than AppEngine ever let 2ze.us be. There were a few bumps along the road, what with the extension and Twitter client relying on various parts of the site. Eventually it got to a point where I could just let it sit and work.

Chromium Extension

Sometime around the end of December, I decided to write another extension for 2ze.us, only for Google Chrome and Chromium this time. This extension isn't quite as feature-packed as its Firefox brother, but it gets the job done.


Shortly after "completing" the Chromium extension, I had what seemed like a pretty original idea. Who knows if it really is, but I still haven't seen another tool quite like the one that I made as a result of this idea. I thought, "Now, why should I need to install an extension in each Web browser I use on each computer I use? Is there a better way?"

The answer came quickly: a standalone, desktop application. Write one program that handles shortening URLs for you. My laziness told me to make a program that monitors your system clipboard for URLs. If a URL is detected, try to shorten it, and update the clipboard contents in place. Boom. Done. All extensions become useless beyond things like the URL preview (which is very useful, imo).

The next question I asked was, "Do I make it platform-dependent? Should I stick it to the majority of computer users and write my tool for Linux only? For OSX only? For, uh... Windows only?" Again, an easy question to answer. Support them all or don't even bother writing the application.

A week's worth of midnight hacking saw the birth of Clip2Zeus 1.0a. It's a cross-platform compatible desktop application that does exactly what I just mentioned. When it's running and detects a URL on your system clipboard, it will try to shorten it and update it in your clipboard. If you copy a block of text, the application will only modify the URLs in that block of text--meaning the block of text will still be in your clipboard, but it will have shorter URLs.

I use the program every day at work (on OSX). It's been very fun for me to see a short URL any time I copy a nasty URL to my clipboard. Imagine that; I'm a big fan of my own work...


Lately, I've noticed that the site was getting kind of slow again. Sometimes it would take several seconds for Clip2Zeus to shorten URLs in my clipboard, when it was normally instantaneous. Every once in a while, Clip2Zeus would completely fail to connect to the website.

One of my friends has asked me a lot of questions about the Tornado framework in the past months. I had read a few things about Tornado when it was open-sourced last year, but I didn't really feel the need to dabble with it. These questions prompted me to tinker a little.

Last night I re-ported 2ze.us to Python, using the Tornado framework this time. So far I'm very impressed with its responsiveness. The framework offers a lot of neat little utilities, and it is very fast (as reported by dozens of other reputable sources).

On top of the speed increase that came with the transition to Tornado, my RAM usage on WebFaction has come down by nearly 100MB. Just by turning off the one Apache-backed website. Now I'm nowhere near my RAM cap! Wahoo!!

Enough rambling. Like I said at the beginning of this article, a lot has been happening with this project in the past year. I didn't even think about all of the time I put into projects related to my simple little side project. Looking back, I'm quite satisfied with how things have unfolded.


Here are some simple statistics for 2ze.us. Since March 2009...

  • 5,252 URLs have been shortened using 2ze.us
  • 2ze.us links have been clicked 198,267 times
  • 315,951 URL characters have been turned into 11,532 characters

In April 2009...

  • 217 URLs were shortened
  • 2ze.us links were clicked 617 times

In February 2010...

  • 1,182 URLs were shortened
  • 2ze.us links were clicked 32,830 times

Not too shabby for a side project.

On Security and Python's Exec

A recent project at work has renewed my aversion to Python's exec statement--particularly when you want to use it with arbitrary, untrusted code. The project requirements necessitated the use of exec, so I got to do some interesting experiments with it. I've got a few friends who, until I slapped some sense into them, were seemingly big fans of exec (in Django projects, even...). This article is for them and others in the same boat.

Take this example:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

dirname = '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages'

print dirname, 'in path?', (dirname in sys.path)

exec """import sys

dirname = '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages'
print 'In exec path?', (dirname in sys.path)


print 'In exec path?', (dirname in sys.path)"""

print dirname, 'in path?', (dirname in sys.path)

Take a second and examine what the script is doing. Done? Great... So, the script first makes sure that a very critical directory is in my PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages. This is the directory where all of the awesome Python packages, like PIL, lxml, and dozens of others, reside. This is where Python will look for such packages when I try to import and use them in my programs.

Next, a little Python snippet is executed using exec. Let's say this snippet comes from an untrusted source (a visitor to your website, for example). The snippet removes that very important directory from my PYTHONPATH. It might seem like it's relatively safe to do within an exec--maybe it doesn't change the PYTHONPATH that I was using before the exec?

Wrong. The output of this script on my personal system says it all:

$ python bad.py
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages in path? True
In exec path? True
In exec path? False
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages in path? False

From this example, we learn that Python code that is executed using exec runs in the same context as the code that uses exec. This is a critical concept to learn.

Some people might say, "Oh, there's an easy way around that. Give exec its own globals dictionary to work with, and all will be well." Wrong again. Here's a modified version of the above script.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

dirname = '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages'

print dirname, 'in path?', (dirname in sys.path)

context = {'something': 'This is a special context for the exec'}

exec """import sys

print something
dirname = '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages'
print 'In exec path?', (dirname in sys.path)


print 'In exec path?', (dirname in sys.path)""" in context

print dirname, 'in path?', (dirname in sys.path)

And here's the output:

$ python also_bad.py
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages in path? True
This is a special context for the exec
In exec path? True
In exec path? False
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages in path? False

How can you get around this glaring risk in the exec statement? One possible solution is to execute the snippet in its own process. Might not be the best way to handle things. Could be the absolute worst solution. But it's a solution, and it works:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import multiprocessing
import sys

def execute_snippet(snippet):
    exec snippet

dirname = '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages'

print dirname, 'in path?', (dirname in sys.path)

snippet = """import sys

dirname = '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages'
print 'In exec path?', (dirname in sys.path)


print 'In exec path?', (dirname in sys.path)"""

proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=execute_snippet, args=(snippet,))

print dirname, 'in path?', (dirname in sys.path)

And here comes the output:

$ python better.py
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages in path? True
In exec path? True
In exec path? False
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages in path? True

So the PYTHONPATH is only affected by the sys.path.remove within the process that executes the snippet using exec. The process that spawns the subprocess is unaffected, and can continue with life, happily importing all of those wonderful packages from the site-packages directory. Yay.

With that said, exec isn't always bad. But my personal point of view is basically, "There is probably a better way." Unfortunately for me, that does not hold up in my current situation, and it might not work for your circumstances too. If no one is forcing you to use exec, you might investigate alternatives in all of that free time you've been wondering what to do with.

Python And Execution Context

I recently found myself in a situation where knowing the execution context of a function became necessary. It took me several hours to learn about this functionality, despite many cleverly-crafted Google searches. So, being the generous person I am, I want to share my findings.

My particular use case required that a function behave differently depending on whether it was called in an exec call. Specifics beyond that are not important for this article. Here's an example of how I was able to get my desired behavior.

import inspect

def is_exec():
    caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back
    module = inspect.getmodule(caller)

    if module is None:
        print "I'm being run by exec!"
        print "I'm being run by %s" % module.__name__

def main():

    exec "is_exec()"

if __name__ == '__main__':

The output of such a script would look like this:

$ python is_exec.py
I'm being run by __main__
I'm being run by exec!

It's also interesting to note that when you're using the Python interactive interpreter, calling the is_exec function from the code above will tell you that you are indeed using exec.

Some may argue that modifying behavior as I needed to is dirty, and that if your system requires such code, you're doing it wrong. Well, you could apply this sort of code to situations that have nothing to do with exec. Perhaps you want to determine which part of your product is using a specific function the most. Perhaps you want to get additional debugging information that isn't immediately obvious.

Just like always, I want to add the disclaimer that there may be other ways to do this and there probably are. However, this is the way that worked for me. I'd still be interested to here about other solutions you may have encountered for this problem.

On a side note, if you're up for some slightly advanced Python mumbo jumbo, I suggest diving into the inspect documentation.

Monitor Multiple Remote Files Using Multitail

There comes a time in each of our individual lives that we just learn to love log files. We learn to love utilities like tail and grep as we pore over countless lines of information, seeking out the stuff that really matters. We like to show off our debugging prowess as innocent bystanders look on in absolute wonderment.

While that's all fine and dandy, I'm always on the lookout for utilities to make my log monitoring less painful. A few weeks ago, my supervisor introduced me to a program that he's been using for quite some time: multitail. In essence, it's tail with some really neat features, such as the ability to:

  • "tail" multiple files (or commands, like netstat) independently in the same terminal
  • highlight text using regular expressions
  • search log messages and see only the matching lines
  • merge multiple files into one log window
  • scrolling back in the history of a log file
  • highlighting "themes"

I've been using multitail for a couple of weeks now (it took me a while to warm up to it after my supervisor introduce it), and I'm quite satisfied with it. One thing I really, really like about multitail is that I can kinda sorta almost monitor multiple remote files. What does that mean, you ask?

Well, my development environment includes at least 5 virtual machines, each of which will be logging different but equally important information. I want to be able to "tail" a specific log file on each of the virtual machines in one window. Now, it took me a while to learn how to do this, which is why I'm sharing the information with you.

And here comes my usual disclaimer: this may not be the most efficient way to do what I want to do, but it's currently working for me. I'm open to other solutions too!

Anyway, I can run a command like the following to monitor multiple remote log files:

multitail -l 'ssh user@host1 "tail -f /path/to/log/file"' -l 'ssh user@host2 "tail -f /path/to/log/file"'

Such a command would ssh into two computers, host1 and host2, and run tail -f /path/to/log/file on each. Multitail allows you to monitor the output of both tail commands in a single window, reducing clutter on your desktop. You can also arrange the files/commands you're "tailing" into various rows and columns. I tend to have a 2x2 grid of log files when I use multitail at work.

I've also started using multitail to monitor the access and error logs for my Django sites on WebFaction. I simply ssh into my account, run an alias for a ridiculous multitail command, and watch as both log files scroll on by.

Again, this is just another aspect of my work environment that is fun and useful to me, and I wanted to spread the joy. Multitail may or may not be a utility you like to use, but it suits my current needs and desires quite well. YMMV. And, once again, I'm always on the look-out for other tools to make my work life more interesting and productive!

Afloat: Window Management For OSX

Today I wanted to be able to watch the PyCon Live Stream while using OS X at work. A quick Google search returned an awesome program: Afloat. It lets me change the window settings for just about any OS X application. Right now I've got the live feed just lingering there in the background, pinned to my desktop. Loving it!

Network Manager, Cisco VPN, And Internet

Those of us out on the eastern side of the United States are currently experiencing quite a snow storm. While this sort of storm would probably have not even made the local news in Rexburg (where my wife and I attended university), everyone is making a big deal about it around here. Part of that big deal included the option, and even recommendation, that we work from home on Friday, using the company VPN to take care of our tasks.

I was pretty excited at the idea of working from home once again (my last job was almost exclusively a work-at-home gig), so I made sure I was able to connect to the VPN a few days ago, after receiving the credentials. It took a few tries to get everything right in Windows, but eventually it started working quite well. Then I tried connecting from Linux, using the awesomeness known as Network Manager.

Since I'm currently on Fedora 12, all I had to do was make sure that I had network-manager-vpnc installed, and I could then configure a connection using the same credentials I used in Windows. I had a successful connection on the very first try, and it was working fabulously. I had access to all of my development machines and all of the tools I use on a daily basis.

It didn't take long, however, for me to notice a big problem: no Internet access. I could get to any machine I dang well pleased on the company network, but nothing on the Internet. Quite frustrating, to say the least.

I decided to leave the investigation as to why I had no Internet access and how to fix it for another night. Here I am now, tinkering with it again. I found out what I needed to change:

  • Right click on the Network Manager icon in the system tray, and select "Edit Connections..."
  • Click on the VPN tab
  • Edit your VPN connection
  • Click on the "IPv4 Settings" tab
  • Click the "Routes..." button
  • Make sure that the "Use this connection only for resources on its network" option is checked
  • Connect to your VPN, and enjoy access to the devices there as well as on the Internet!

Hopefully this saves someone else's sanity (Jeremy?)